For many reasons including bad weather, FedEx Delays and a need for ourselves and team to spend time with their families over the Christmas and New Year's Holidays, we have certain deadlines for you to get your Christmas Brisket or any other BBQ. Please see below...

  • DEADLINE for placing order to arrive before Christmas or New Years is 11:59pm, December 16th. Any order placed after this date WILL NOT be shipped until the first week of January. 

For your convienence, on our website you can choose your arrival date in advance. Sooooooooooooooo...

Place your orders now and choose your arrival date so you don't miss out on your Christmas Brisket!

Let us know if you have any questions or need any help with placing your order. Just don't wait too long, place your order today!


Tags :: Deadline, cutoff, cut off, christmas, x-mas, xmas, new year, new years, newyear, newyears,